Frequently asked questions
As a sole proprietor, by default, the legal name of your business is your own name. But you can choose to operate the business under another name, known as a “fictitious business name” or “doing business as” (DBA). Most states require you to file an application for your DBA.
You don’t have to register or file any paperwork with the federal government to form a sole proprietorship. If you go into business without setting up another business structure, then you’re automatically considered a sole proprietor if you’re the sole owner.
However, some states and counties may require you to obtain business licenses and/or permits before you can lawfully operate, Also, if you want your business to have a name that’s different from your own legal name, then most states will require you to file for a DBA.
Even if you’re operating as a sole proprietorship, it’s important to have a separate business bank account to distinguish between your personal and business income and expenses. This will make it easier to report your business income on your personal tax returns. Most banks will let you open an account for your sole proprietorship using your social security number.
If you’re doing business under a fictitious name (“DBA”), most banks will require proof of your filed DBA before allowing you to open the account.
You have the option to restructure your business whenever you feel it’s outgrowing its sole proprietorship status. Whether you’re looking to bring on partners or investors, or you want the advantages of different tax options and liability protection, we offer resources to help you choose the business structure that’s best for you.
Whether your business requires an EIN depends on its structure, not whether it has a DBA. Sole proprietorships with a DBA typically don’t need a separate EIN; instead, they use the owner’s Social Security number as the tax ID. Similarly, single-member LLCs usually don’t need an EIN unless they plan to hire employees or open a separate business bank account. However, most other business entities are required to obtain an EIN.